MindWise InstituteCurrent & Past PresentationsTo request Mary Bowles as a presenter, please contact [email protected] |
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February 16, 2024, 6pm (CST)
(17 Feb 2024 10:00 - 11:30 - AEST)
Dr. Mary Bowles - A Mismatch of Emotion States: A Mechanism for Applied Memory Reconsolidation
This webinar will present Dr. Bowles’ research on the pairing of “emotional approach states” with “emotional avoid states” as a mechanism for activating the required mismatch for the successful application of memory reconsolidation in humans, as guided by Elsey et al.’s (2018) theoretical framework for successful memory reconsolidation in humans, Lange et al.’s (2020) Psychometric Network Theory of Emotion, and supported by The Hebbian Principle, Pavlov’s Theory of Classical Conditioning, and Skinner’s Theory of Operant Conditioning. This presentation will address how operant and classical conditioning relate to the neuroscientific understanding of memory consolidation and reconsolidation, how emotion is a possible target for successful memory reconsolidation, and how successful emotion pairing alone is at reducing discomfort from trauma and stressor cues. Dr. Bowles will share examples of some rapid treatment approaches that demonstrate the presence of emotion pairing. Dr. Bowles will also share results, which showed more than half of the evaluated transcripts in her research contained obvious emotion pairing, including laughter, in 14 of 21 transcripts, 100% of the transcripts were absent Prolonged Exposure (PE), and 100% also met Elsey et al.’s required components for memory reconsolidation.
Read more and register here!
(17 Feb 2024 10:00 - 11:30 - AEST)
Dr. Mary Bowles - A Mismatch of Emotion States: A Mechanism for Applied Memory Reconsolidation
This webinar will present Dr. Bowles’ research on the pairing of “emotional approach states” with “emotional avoid states” as a mechanism for activating the required mismatch for the successful application of memory reconsolidation in humans, as guided by Elsey et al.’s (2018) theoretical framework for successful memory reconsolidation in humans, Lange et al.’s (2020) Psychometric Network Theory of Emotion, and supported by The Hebbian Principle, Pavlov’s Theory of Classical Conditioning, and Skinner’s Theory of Operant Conditioning. This presentation will address how operant and classical conditioning relate to the neuroscientific understanding of memory consolidation and reconsolidation, how emotion is a possible target for successful memory reconsolidation, and how successful emotion pairing alone is at reducing discomfort from trauma and stressor cues. Dr. Bowles will share examples of some rapid treatment approaches that demonstrate the presence of emotion pairing. Dr. Bowles will also share results, which showed more than half of the evaluated transcripts in her research contained obvious emotion pairing, including laughter, in 14 of 21 transcripts, 100% of the transcripts were absent Prolonged Exposure (PE), and 100% also met Elsey et al.’s required components for memory reconsolidation.
Read more and register here!
Memory Reconsolidation Applied: Neuroscience Founded Painless Removal of Stress and Trauma
In taking what we currently know from neuroscience, this workshop will teach about this neuroscientifically validated way of creating change, rapidly, at a neural and emotional level without reliving past experiences. This can be used by therapists to treat stress and trauma, but it is also very useful in helping students overcome stress in the classroom, athletes to overcome stress on the field/court/track, and first responders to overcome their experiences on the job. This will also teach individuals how they can overcome stress, by working with the brain rather than against it, as we often learn through cultural and environmental learning. This workshop will present actual video examples of successful transformational change, where the result is a client or individual who no longer experiences emotional activation from a stressor, including posttraumatic stress memories, after only brief interventions.
Memory reconsolidation is the underlying process for therapies including EMDR, Coherence Therapy, Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), among many other effective therapies.
Memory reconsolidation is the underlying process for therapies including EMDR, Coherence Therapy, Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), among many other effective therapies.
Do you want to learn more? Listen to one of my most recent podcasts and read my Neuropsychotherapist Magazine articles for some examples of memory reconsolidation in action!
[Podcast] - Mary Bowles, LMFT Describes the Science Behind “Normal [sic] but Not Effective” Strategies in How Families Cope with the Additional Stress of Addiction |
Part 1 & 2 of my Memory Reconsolidation article which was recently published in The Neuropsychotherapist!
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Pre-reading/listening (not required)
- Bowles, M. (2019, February 1). An integrated rapid memory reconsolidation approach: Rapid Resolution Therapy, Part 1. The Neuropsychotherapist, 7(2), 43-54. Retrieved from, https://www.thescienceofpsychotherapy.com/an-integrated-rapid-memory-reconsolidation-approach-rapid-resolution-therapy/
- Bowles, M. (2019, March 1). An integrated rapid memory reconsolidation approach: Rapid Resolution Therapy, Part 2. The Neuropsychotherapist, 7(3), 4-12. Retrieved from, https://www.thescienceofpsychotherapy.com/an-integrated-rapid-memory-reconsolidation-approach-part-2/
- Bowles, M. (2019, March 12). SoP 23: Mary Bowles talks about Rapid Resolution Therapy [podcast]. Retrieved from https://www.thescienceofpsychotherapy.com/sop-23-mary-bowles-talks-about-rapid-resolution-therapy/
- Bowles, M. (2019, July 10). Mary Bowles, LMFT describes the science behind “normal but not effective” strategies in how families cope with the additional stress of addiction [podcast]. In Fighting Addictions Podcasts Whole Family Healing through Leng & Co Podcast and Virtual Assistance. Retrieved from, https://thefamilyrecoverysolution.com/2019/07/10/mary-bowles/
- Ecker, B., Ticic, R., & Hulley, L. (2012). Unlocking the emotional brain: Eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation. Routledge.
- Ecker, B., Ticic, R., & Hulley, L. (2013). A primer on memory reconsolidation and its psychotherapeutic use as a core process of profound change. The Neuropsychotherapist, 1, 82-99.
- Grawe, K. (2007). Neuropsychotherapy: How the neurosciences inform effective psychotherapy. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Rossouw, P. J. (2014). Neuropsychotherapy: Theoretical underpinnings and clinical applications. Mediros Pty Limited.
Previous Teaching and Speaking Engagements
1st Annual Conference of Applied Neuroscience, by the International Association of Applied Neuroscience (May, 2019)Neuroscience of Rapid Resolution Therapy - April 20192nd Annual Conference of Neuropsychotherapy, by the International Association of Clinical Neuropsychotherapy |